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"One of the secrets of success is to refuse to let temporary
setbacks defeat us."
Mary Kay



     How many times I've heard consultants

     say, "I don't think I'm cut out for this

     business," or "I just can't seem to make it

     work."  When a party cancels or one of

     our  top sellers leaves the    business, it's

      natural to get discouraged and feel

     overwhelmed. We all experience obstacles

     and setbacks as we build our business.

I cannot tell you how many times I've seen people get so discouraged that they quit just as they were about to reach a goal they had worked so long and hard to achieve. It has been said in order to experience the bright light of success, you must first walk through the darkness of uncertainty.

We all experience doubts and fears as we set goals and work to achieve them. The most successful people I know have been paralyzed with fear at one time or another, but do you know how they conquered it? With persistence! By picking up the phone and making one more call; setting one more appointment; continuing to move forward, one foot in front of the other. They also experienced doubt, but they stuck with the other. They also experienced doubt, but they stuck with their dreams and didn't give up. They turned one more corner … opened one more door.

In this business, it only takes one positive phone call…one new hostess…one new chain of business…one party…one new prospect or lead… one person's enthusiasm, support or validation…to re-ignite our passion for our business. It just takes one!

Don't give up on your goals. Give yourself a chance to experience the success you deserve. Keep you eye on the big picture and the opportunities this business offers.