Garden of Roses!


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Imagine your Celebrating Home business is a delicious cake made of the finest ingredients. Just like your business with the best pay plan and most generous hostess program, it’s the moistest and tastiest in the bakery. You love the cake and know it would be rude to eat it in front of others without sharing.

So you offer a slice to those around you.
Some are dieting and decline.
Others ask for a bite to taste.
Some take just a sliver.
Others a serving.
A few take several servings!

It’s as easy as that!

When you have something wonderful to share offer it to others. Some will decline, the business is not for everyone. Others will take a small taste by joining and doing a party or two. Some will take a sliver and work the business for a season. Others will enjoy a complete serving and manage a consistent business. Few will take as much as they can eat to make our business a career. So the next time you meet someone new remember recruiting is like a piece a cake….offer it !