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Dream Bag

Purpose: To plant recruiting seeds and to share the benefits of becoming a Designer.


Items/Props Needed:

Gift Bag

Small items: toy car, play furniture, magazine picture of a baby, picture of your children, Barbie clothes, accessories, credit card statement, travel brochure, sports items, etc…

Play money or real $1 bills totaling $100 all taped together in a long roll.


What to prepare to use the Dream Bag:

Put all the items in the gift bag and put on a smile!


How to use/do:

During your presentation bring out the bag before the ask me game and say: “Are you living your dream? Celebrating Home offers a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the special things in life we dream about, things many of us put off because other bills or financial obligations take precedent.  Inside my dream bag are some of these things Celebrating Home can provide you or your family just by working one party a week. Let’s take a look…”

Pull out items one at a time and say the phrases below or make up your own. In between each item pull out some of the money roll and let it hang out of the bag.


Sample phrases you can say as you take items out of the gift bag:


Hot Wheels Car“You may be dreaming to purchase a new or second vehicle.  With just a few shows per month you could purchase a new vehicle, maybe a new van or a sports car?.”

Miniature Silver Mercedes Benz - “You could become a leader with CH and win your very own silver Mercedes Benz!”

Magazine picture of a home“Have you been dreaming of owning a bigger or nicer home? Thanks to CH our family is planning to buy our new home soon.” or  Picture of your home“With our extra income we were able to purchase our dream home.”

Picture of Baby“Being a stay-at-home mom is a dream come true!”

Doll House Furniture “Buying new furniture for your home is very exciting!”

Past CH Product Contest Flyer“Winning free products to decorate your home is a lot of fun! With CH you can decorate for free and with fabulous discounts.”
Barbie Doll Clothes“I love to shop for new clothes, don’t you?!” 

Toy Shoes“Let’s not forget the shoes!”

Ballet Slipper, Little League Hat etc“Do you dream of providing your children with the opportunity to participate in their favorite activities. Just a few shows per month can cover the fees and as a Designer we are able to schedule our shows around our family.”

Small Christmas Present“With CH being Santa’s helper is so much fun!”

Toy Airplane, Travel Brochure“Do you love to travel? With CH we are able to win a dream vacation every year.  You are welcome to join us on our next trip to_______.”

Toy Trophy/Tiara“Everyone loves to be appreciated and recognized for their accomplishments. CH recognizes us for a job well done.”

Credit Card Bills (x out the balance!) – “With CH you can pay down credit card debt and celebrate a zero balance!”

Toy Rocking Chair - “Extra income can provide an opportunity for retirement savings.”

Princess Mirror“Please look in the mirror and tell me who you see. The person looking back at you could is someone who can have a very successful opportunity with CH!”


Play the Ask Me Game.


Then share:  “I am looking to share this opportunity with 1 or 2 people in the next few weeks.  If you or someone you know might be interested in learning how to work 1-2 evenings a week to live their dreams, please take an information packet I’m passing around for yourself or to share with a friend."