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Want to really eliminate the fear of calling leads?
Want to be able to eagerly reach out for the phone and call anyone?
Want to effortlessly increase your business and have a powerful downline that stays the course without constantly having to motivate them? 

Want to really eliminate the fear of calling leads?
Want to be able to eagerly reach out for the phone and call anyone?
Want to effortlessly increase your business and have a powerful downline that stays the course without constantly having to motivate them? 


Then let go of what you want and focus on what others want! If you're nervous about calling leads or following up with recruiting prospects, or it's taking a lot of effort, there is a reason for this.  You're probably using conventional selling techniques, or a process that requires you to present, tell your story, persuade people to join you, handle objections, etc...

Most of the time this works against you. It's like trying to paddle upstream with your hands! It takes a lot of effort and the level of internal anxiety increases because the process focuses on your need to have an outcome. This is easily explained by an ancient saying...
"When I focus on me I increase my anxiety. When I focus on you, I decrease my anxiety."

Your need for an outcome is also felt by the people you call. Result: Resistance from them.
It's a classic case of the "Law of Giving" working against you. (What you give is what you get). If you give the gift of telling, people will give you a gift by telling you! How? Rejection and Objection. They are simply reminding you they don't like to be told. People are not out to give you a hard time; they just reflect where you are coming from.  If this happens to you and you want to change your results then it's a matter of being aware of what you're doing, and choosing to make a conscious decision to change your approach.

Change The Process - Change The Results.

An effective approach you can use is the Process of Discovery. If you ask people questions, listen to them and at the same time let go of your Law of Giving is now working for you. They feel involved.  Selling is really nothing more than Problem Solving. It's about "Listening for what people are meaning, not just what they are saying."

It's about listening to...
a.. Why they want what they want.
b.. Their depth of desire to have it.
c.. Whether they are prepared to change or adjust what they are doing to get what they want.

People make changes for deep personal reasons. If you ask them - they will tell you. As they tell you they also listen to themselves and internally process their desires to change - or not.  Help them uncover this and allow them to come to their own logical conclusion based on their inner personal reasons, and you'll be able to demonstrate precisely how your solution might help them to move on to what they do want. Go slow to go fast and you'll find everyone wins.

7 Steps To Mentally Prepare For Your Call.

a.. You are calling people who are asking for help. You are not cold calling. You could say they called you first. So find out what they are looking for. Most people will tell the most amazing things about themselves if you let them.
b.. Suspend your need to tell what you have or come to any conclusion. I know this might sound difficult. However doing so will liberate you.
c.. Spend time. Avoid the conventional trap of "qualifying them" quickly. Doing so only demonstrates your need to do so, based on your own criteria. Allow them to qualify themselves.
d.. After you have asked your opening questions, ask questions based on the answers they give you, to gather more information. Ask them to expand on their answers and where they are coming from.
e.. Listen to the answers. (Do not interrupt, even with things like, "We can do that for you" etc.. Ask them to expand on what they are looking for.
g.. Observe how people will be drawn to you as opposed to acting defensively. Why? Because you're talking about their most favorite subject - themselves.

5-Steps to Start a Successful Call

Step 1: State your name, the company you work with, and ask to speak to the person on your lead list.
Step 2: Let him/her know why you're calling, by reminding them they asked you to!
Step 3: Ask them if this is a good time. If it's not, ask for another convenient time.
Step 4: Discover if they have found what they are looking for.
Step 5: If they haven't, continue helping them (and yourself) find out as much as you can about what they are looking for and why.

Below is a Dialogue Starter example that will give you an idea of some questions to ask that will immediately draw people to you and eliminate your anxiety.

Dialogue Starter Example. Let's say you've chosen to return Mary's call:

Step 1: "Hello, this is [Your Name] of XYZ Company...May I speak with Mary please?"
Step 2: "Mary, we haven't met before? and the reason I'm calling is that you recently enquired about starting your own home-based business and I'm here to find out if I can be of help...?"
Step 3: "...Is this a good time for you?"
Step 4: "Thank you! Well, before I talk about CH, perhaps you can tell me a little about you and what you're looking for in a business... Can I ask... have you found what you're looking for yet?"
(Don't wait for permission to ask the question - just ask it! This is normal polite  conversation).
Step 5: "You haven't. Can I ask...?"Do you know what kind of business you're looking for, or what kind of business you would like to get into?"

What are you looking for in/from a business?

"Can I ask why you want to have your own home based business?"
"What would the ideal company look like to you?"
"Have you had any past experience running your own business?"
"Have you spoken to any other companies yet?"
"What kind of companies?"
"Have any of them interested you?"
"What did you like or dislike about the companies?"
"Tell me more about that." (What dislikes and likes)

Lifestyle Related Questions

These are background questions you can ask that will give a broader picture and foundation of the present circumstances of your prospective partner. The key to asking these questions is not to ask too many at once. They can sound interrogative.

Instead, expand on the answers you get by asking more "Value Centered Questions" that allow the other person to talk about how they FEEL about their present circumstances. You can always return to these questions at any time. Here's an example:

"Are you presently working?"
"What kind of work do you do?"
"Do you enjoy...?"
"What is it about working as... that you enjoy/dislike?" (Value Centered Question)

Here are some more background questions:
"How long have you been doing that?"
"Where do you work?"
"Do you travel to and from work?"
"Does that take you long?"
"Where do you live?"
"How long have you lived there?"
"What kind of hobbies do you have?"
"Do you have a family?"
"Do you play a sport?"
"Do you like to travel?"

You'll discover the response to just one question can give you enough material to converse on for several minutes of meaningful relationship building dialogue. People really do have the answers, all you need are the right questions - and to give them time to answer them.
Continue with asking discovering questions that allow the other person to surface all their needs and desires if they have any. You can learn more about what other types of discovering questions to ask and the principles behind them from my book.

The question is... what do you think is easier? Plowing through as many people as possible attempting to persuade them with your story, or sitting back and listening to their story and allowing them to persuade themselves? It's your choice.

Michael Oliver
Natural Selling Sales Training